
Showing posts with the label Video Editing Classes in Jalandhar

Best Institute for Video Editing Course in Jalandhar

  BEST INSTITUTE   FOR VIDEO EDITING TRAINING     The term video editing can refer to the process of manipulating video images. Video editing includes cutting segments, re-sequencing clips, and adding transitions and other special effects. The captured video will be recorded on the electronic media such as SD card. The recorded video have some video formats like: MPEG, MPG, Mp4, AVI, MOV, WMV, etc. There are many more things to know about Video editing which you can learn from Animation Bugs Institute. There are two types of video editing:- ·          Linear video editing is done using  video tape  and is edited in a very linear way. Several video clips from different tapes are recorded to one single tape in the order that they will appear. ·          Non-linear editing system  (NLE): This is edited on computers with specialised software. Thes...